The Smart Choice
for Michigan’s House District 78
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What’s important to Gina?
Putting Michigan’s Families First: Education, Healthcare Freedom, Jobs, and Election Integrity.
Gina Johnsen is a community leader, small business owner, and business professional. She was born and raised in Michigan, and has enjoyed serving the pro-life, pro-family community. She has 20 years experience in the healthcare industry, and is striving to give Michigan families more education choices. Gina believes that parents have the right and responsibility to direct the education and healthcare choices of their children. Gina is a Republican candidate for the Michigan State House of Representatives District 78.
State Senator John Damoose, Pro-Life Caucus Chair
Barry County
State Rep. Angela Regas
State Rep. Rachelle Smit
County Commissioner Mike Callton
County Commissioner Jon Smelker
County Commissioner Catherine Getty
County Commissioner David Jackson
County Commissioner Bob Teunessen
County Commissioner Bruce Cambell
Sheriff Dar Leaf
Kent County
State Senator Mark Huizenga
State Rep. Brian Posthumus
State Rep. Luke Meerman
Former Lt. Gov Dick Posthumus
Jerry Hale, Lowell Township Supervisor
Tim Wittenbach, Vergennes Township Supervisor
Randy Wilcox, Bowne Township Supervisor
Bonnie Lent-Davis, Bowne Township Treasurer
Ionia County
State Senator Rick Outman
Former State Senator Judy Emmons
Former State Representaive Barbara VanderVeen
Ionia County Commissioner David Hodges, Chair
Ionia County Commissioner Phil Hesche
Ionia County Commissioner Terrence Frewen
Jack Shattuck, Ionia County Commissioner
Sheriff Charlie Noll
Mayor Jim Barnes, Portland
Drain Commissioner Robert Rose
County Prosecutor Kyle Butler
Eaton County
County Commissioner Jim Mott
Former County Commissioner John Fisher
Dedicated to the People
of Michigan
Gina Johnsen is a mother, a community leader, and a business professional who was born and raised in the Lansing area and for most of her life has called Michigan home. A graduate of Lansing Eastern High School and Wellesley College in Boston, Gina is a Michigan business woman who has dedicated her life to help Michigan churches, charities and civic organizations come together to build strong communities. Gina has served on many Boards of Directors for pro life and Christian organizations, and has recently helped parents face the educational challenges by finding alternative ways to educate their children. She has helped to start new Christian schools, has strengthened homeschool networks, and has helped parents become empowered to meet the educational challenges before them. As Director of the Pregnancy Center of Eaton County, Gina is a devoted advocate assisting young mothers in making tough life-changing decisions. Gina is also the Director of the Michigan Capitol House of Prayer and has worked with both sides of the political aisle for more than 10 years. In her free time, Gina is a musician in Parted Waters Band. Gina is pro-life, pro-family, and a common sense constitutional conservative.
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